They Descend

Here is an excerpt of a game of D&D I ran with Ryan and Jason.
Jason was the Elf Wizard & Ryan the Dwarven Cleric.
 “Your torches illuminate more of the room as you enter, you notice in the corners there are hanging braziers. The rest of the room is vacant; the smell of the wet stone floor fills your nostrils. You notice on the other side of the room to your right there is another set of double doors.”

Sometime Later..

 “As your torch shines into the next room you notice and smell the moldy vegetation. As you concentrate further you notice that the dungeon floor is covered in mushrooms and other types of fungi. Across the room you notice double doors. (Perception check rolled by the Wizard) As you look at the door closely you notice odd symbolic runes move across the door. (History & Religion checks are rolled) You seem to notice that the runes are part of a holy ritual. (Cleric rolls another religion check) You are familiar with the words that are hidden within the runes. The cantation looks familiar that of the followers of Bahamut. This ritual is used to seal a door or passage to keep evil in…”

After both the cleric and wizard roll Arcane and History checks

“As your hand moves across the last glowing rune, you feel the last bit of energy of the rune expel over you. The barrier which once covered the door is gone. (The cleric slowly pushes the door open with is mace peering in slowly.

After the two finally decide to move into the room, they notice great atrocities have happened in this room. Numerous individuals were slaughtered. Why? The answer they both knew not. They find a body that has not been mutilated. When searched they find nothing of value, but they notice this individual was not ripped apart. Instead from side to side he was split open. The cleric gave last rights and moved towards a well….

“As you move towards the south west part of the room you notice a medium sized well. (Perception is rolled) You notice that there is a rope ladder leading down into the well. Without warning a cold breeze bellows out of the well follow by a  voice that echo's into the room saying  “Come further….

“I say we go,,” said the Wizard. “Hmmm but going down into a dark hole is not wise” muttered the Cleric. “What do you suggest?” Said the wizard peering into the dark hole. Suddenly the Cleric slaps the torch out of the wizard’s hand. “Woops” says the Cleric with the smile” The two adventurers watch as the torch spin further and further down the well.*

<Break Was Taken>

“You watch as the torch tumbles down the well…The torch tapped back and forth against the wells walls until coming to a sudden stop at the bottom."

 “You’re not mad are you?” said the Cleric. “Not at all, looks like we’re going down to fetch it. By all means. You first.” the Wizard said with a smile.

“The cleric went first, slowly climbing down the well on the rope ladder, the wizard spoke to the cleric telling him that the wells depth was longer than they thought. They both continued to climb down more. Until the cleric heard the rope ladder began to give away. The dwarf braced against the wall of the well (Rolling a Strength Check) Held himself and the Wizard up as one side of the rope ladder snapped.” The wizard going down a bit further until the dwarf tried to move…but noticed the rest of the rope ladder was giving away. (Rolling another Strength check: Failed) The dwarf dropped the rope and began to fall downward. They both landed on the cold wet stones that formed the underbelly of the keep.” (Taking damage from their fall, they both stood up slowly).

“Well that was interesting” the cleric said leaning back to help straighten his back. “Yes I do hope that is the end of our falling exploits” the wizard said, as he dusted himself off and reaching for his torch. “Well I’m happy to say I got my torch back.” The dwarf stroked his beard under the lit torch light, cocking an eyebrow towards the wizard as he reached for his  lost torch”.

It was late and we called it a night. There was combat before this but for some reason I really enjoyed this part. 

As the two adventures looked around the room their torches would show only endless wet stone across the floor and nothing more. The soft cold breeze washed over them again as they looked at each other in fright. Both wondered what kind of “simple” task they accepted from the Guard captain back in Fallcrest.
